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Sagre (festivals) around Ravenna in Emilia-Romagna

  • Sagre in Emilia Romagna

The sagre (festivals) are an expression of the wine and food culture of Ravenna and its province.

Every year there are many festivals in the province of Ravenna in Emilia-Romagna. The month in which they are held is almost the same every year (for seasonal products or celebratory occasion), but the dates may vary


Sagre around Ravenna in the month of January

  • La Sagra della Campagna , in Faenza, Pieve Cesato
  • Sagra Della Polenta, Biso' E Sabado', in Solarolo, centro storico

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of February

  • Sagra del Sabadone , in Massa Lombarda

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of March

  • Sagra Della Seppia E Fiera Di San Giuseppe, in Cervia, Lungomare Grazia Deledda, Spiaggia libera Pinarella

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of April

  • Fiera di San Giuseppe e Sagra della Seppia , in Cervia, Pinarella
  • Sagra Del Castrato, in Bagnara di Romagna, Largo della Libertà
  • Sagra Del Cinghiale E Degli Antichi Sapori Della Nostra Terra, in Casola Valsenio, centro storico
  • Sagra Del Pellegrino, in Faenza. More informations
  • Sagra del tartufo di Pineta , in Ravenna
  • Sagra della Campagna di Pieve Cesato, in Faenza, Pieve cesato

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of May

  • Festa Del Cinghiale Di Zattaglia, in Brisighella, località Zattaglia
  • Festa Dell'Ascensione , in Solarolo, piazza Caduti
  • Sagra Delle Alfonsine, in Alfonsine. More informations
  • Sagra Di Pentecoste, in Castel Bolognese, centro storico
  • Sagra Paesana Di Bastia, in Ravenna, via Petrosa, 230, località Bastia (c/o Podere Vittorio Sansoni)

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of June

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of July

  • Birravezzanen, in Brisighella. More informations
  • Festival Vegan In Tla Muraia, in Ravenna, Lido di Dante
  • Sagra Del Cappelletto - Festa Per La Vita , in Massa Lombarda, via Isaac Rabin, Parco delle Feste
  • Sagra Della Collina E Del Cinghiale, in Brisighella, via Casa Battistoni

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of August

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of September

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of October

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of November

Sagre around Ravenna in the month of December

  • Festa dei frutti dimenticati , in Casola Valsenio
  • Sagra del Tartufo , in Brisighella
  • Sagra Del Torrone, in Faenza. More informations
  • Sagra della Pera Volpina , in Brisighella
  • Sagra dell'Ulivo e dell'Olio extra vergine , in Brisighella

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You can find the list of all the events held in Ravenna at Ravenna's events page


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